Booking Station Road Halls Community Garden

Using the Community Garden

The Station Road Halls Community Garden can be hired with the halls or in it own right.

The garden can be used to extend your social gathering or on its own for community based well-being activities.

Please note, the use of the garden is on a first come first served basis.

Looking After the Community Garden at the YMCA

We’re looking for volunteers to look after our new community garden at the YMCA!

You could be a green-fingered individual, or a community health and wellbeing group, that may benefit from the use of this accessible space.

If you are interested in keeping this garden flourishing with fruits, flowers and fauna, please contact us!

Interested in using the garden?

Please complete the following booking enquiry form

Please include set up and clear down time within your booking times
Please note, the garden as the garden can be booked with the halls or on its own, bookings are on a first come, first served basis.
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